Custom fluid mechanics library for Minecraft Datapacks. This does not add in-world fluids, but does add systems for storing, transporting, and using custom fluids in blocks and items. See Mechanization for examples of how this is used in practice. This is a very advanced library. Don't attempt using this unless you know what you're doing. If you need practice, try using the DatapackEnergy library. It's very similiar, but less complicated as it doesn't involve NBT definitions.
This library manages:
This is an embedded library, so you package it inside your datapack as opposed to having a separate download. Requires LanternLoad to operate.
Depending on your use case, you may be able to use FluidCrafting's data format without using the library itself, with compatibility being enabled if another datapack is using Fluid Crafting. For example, if you have a Tinker's Construct datpack, you can store the smeltery's fluid in FluidCrafting's format, then if Mechanization is installed it can pump fluid in/out of the smeltary.
This specifies how FluidCrafting intereprets NBT data, specifically for fluid-containing items.
Arbitarty Fluid:
fluid:{id:"fluid_id", temperature: 0, color: 0, gas: 0b, name:'{"text":"name"}'}
id: id of fluid, used to check if fluids are equal. If you want a pack-exclusive fluid
(no one else will use it), set the id to <pack:fluid>. If you want a cross-datapack fluid
(like water), set to just <fluid>.
temperature: temp of fluid, in degrees C. Not used internally, but can be used by your
datapack to gain information abount what the fluid is. For example, you can prevent a
tank from storing hot fluids like lava.
color: Color of the liquid, in decimial format (same format as leather armor). Not used
internally. Intended to be used for color shading UI elements.
gas: if this fluid is a gas, ie. Steam. Not used interanlly.
name: JSON name of fluid. Not used internally. Intended for any time your datapack needs
to reference a fluid by name. Note: default vanilla fluids have missing translation
strings using fallback.
Item.components."minecraft:custom_data".fluid{<fluid data>, storage: 1000, max_storage: 1000, fixed_storage: 0b}
<fluid data>: the NBT definition of a fluid, in the same level.
ie. Item.components."minecraft:custom_data".fluid{id:"fluid_id", ..., storage: 1000}. Don't include for empty fluid storage items.
storage: how much fluid is currently stored
max_storage: how much fluid can be stored
fixed_storage: if the item can only hold a specific amount of fluid (ie. exactly 1000/1000),
or an arbitrary amount (ie. 420/1000)
Entities: this is where fluid data is stored in a tank. You can modify this to add or change a fluid.
Armor Stand (tank):
ArmorItems[3].components."minecraft:custom_data".fluids[{<data>}, ...]
[Glowing] Item Frame (tank):
Item.components."minecraft:custom_data".fluids[{<data>}, ...]
Item Display (tank):
item.components."minecraft:custom_data".fluids[{<data>}, ...]
Marker (tank):
data.fluids[{<data>}, ...]
Used to pass data between functions and for storing arbitrary data on an entity.
On a pipe, this is a binary encoded number of which sides are connected, ie:
up down north south east west
63 -> 1 1 1 1 1 1 -> all sides are active
1 2 4 8 16 32
This can be used to update the model to display connections when
function #fluid:v1/pipe_update is triggered.
Caps how much fluid can be pump in/out of a tank, and how much fluid a pipe network can handle.
The rate is limited by the lowest rate in the entire network.
Make sure this score is 1+ on all pipes and tanks.
Indicates how much fluid is stored in each of the 4 fluid slots.
Indicates how much fluid can be stored in each of the 4 fluid slots. Set to 0 to disable that slot.
Sets which tank slots interface with which sides, and whether they input or output.
Postive numbers accept fluids, negative numbers expell fluid.
Set the value to a binary encoded number representing which tank slots are enabled, ie:
15 -> 1 1 1 1 -> all tanks are active
1 2 4 8
For example, if you only want tank slot 1 to input, set to 1. If you want slot 2 and 3 to output, set to -6.
Selector tags indicate FluidCrafting should do something with the tagged entity.
Indicates entity should store fluids. Must be one of the supported entities:
Armor Stand, [Glowing] Item Frame, Marker, Item Display. If you need a
different entity, let me know. It must support arbitrary NBT data.
Note that for most entities the NBT data is stored on the item, so replacing
the item will clear the tank.
Indicates entity is a pipe that should connect tanks.
You make function calls from your datapack whenever you want FluidCrafting to execute a specific task.
function fluid:v1/api/init_pipe
Call on a new pipe to initialize its connections
function fluid:v1/api/init_tank
Call on a new tank to initialize its connections
function fluid:v1/api/break_pipe
Call on a pipe when broken to remove its connections
function fluid:v1/api/break_tank
Call on a tank when broken to remove its connections
Failure to call these breaking functions has negative side-effects
like tanks remaining in the same network without being connected.
Make sure to call these when needed!
function fluid:v1/api/slot_io
Manages fluid IO via items. For example, providing a bucket of water will attempt to put
1000 units of water in a tank. Supports custom fluid container items (see NBT reference).
Items can be visually updated via function tag.
> score #score which tank slot to interact with
> storage fluid:io input:{input_slot:{<item>}, output_slot:{<item>}}: A copy of the slot used for
the input item, and the slot used for the output item.
< storage fluid:io output:{input_slot:{<item>}, output_slot:{<item>}}: Returns modified copies of
the provided items. Set the items slots to these values.
Function tags are called by FluidCrafting when it needs your datapack to do something. You need to add a function to FluidCrafting's function tag list for each function.
Runs when a pipe has been updated. You can use this to change its model to display new connections.
Executed as and at a tank.
Used to disable pipes connecting to a tank from certain sides. -> 0-5 indicating direction (up, down, north, south, east, west)
#pipe.out -> 1 for can connect, 0 for cannot connect (defaults to can connect)
Runs when a the fluid level of a tank has changed. You can use this to update display information.
Runs as a tank when a fluid is requesting to be pumped in. Use this to filter what fluids are accepted
> storage fluid:io fluid: the fluid being pumped in
> score #network.tank the slot the tank is in
< score #out set to 0 deny fluid, defaults to 1
Runs when a fluid containing item is modified: either adding fluid or removing it.
Use this to update the item's model, name, lore, etc.
<> storage fluid:io output.output_slot: the item. The fluid is contained in output.output_slot.components."minecraft:custom_data".fluid
folder into your data pack/data/load/tags/functions/load.json
and your own data/load/tags/functions/load.json
to your resourcepack.For easier mangament of dependencies, check out my project Datapack Build Manager.