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A Minecraft Data Pack library that adds various useful features related to forceloading chunks.
Download: Modrinth
For inquiries, please contact @silicatYT on Discord.

Why you need ForceloadLib

If your DataPack uses forceloaded chunks, it's inherently incompatible with any other DataPack which does too. The same is the case for multiple systems within the same DataPack which use forceloads.

ForceloadLib solves this by not only providing a reference-based approach, but also by namespacing the references. This allows your systems or DataPacks to independently forceload chunks without interfering with one another.
ForceloadLib also offers many useful features aside from that.

Note: While ForceloadLib strives for cross-pack compatibility, DataPacks that don't use it will still be incompatible.


  • Reference-based forceloading
    • Add and remove forceload references from a chunk
    • The chunk will only stop being forceloaded once every single reference has been removed
    • Each reference belongs to a namespace for better control & cross-system compatibility
  • Various optional parameters for your forceload references:
    • Command: Run a command at the specified location
    • CommandTrigger: Specify when the command runs
      • Instantly (or as soon as the chunk loads)
      • Only if the chunk loads
    • Force: Make the reference unremovable until the chunk is loaded
    • Protected: Make the reference unremovable unless you target it directly via ID
    • Duration: Make the reference disappear after an arbitrary number of ticks
  • Powerful reference management
    • Either remove the last removable reference from a chunk, or target it directly via ID
  • Chunk loading management. When a chunk gets loaded:
    • #ForceloadLib.ChunkLoaded ForceloadLib score gets set to the reference's ID
    • forceloadlib:event ChunkLoaded storage gets set with the Dimension, X and Z data of the chunk
    • #forceloadlib:chunk_loaded function tag gets called with that storage as a macro source
  • A function tag that's called whenever a chunk gets loaded
    • It also sets a score (Reference ID) & a storage (Dimension & X/Z coords) for
  • Compatibility with Vanilla forceloaded chunks
    • These chunks will be ignored when trying to add/remove references

How to use

Follow the instructions in the respective function (Everything except zprivate):

  • Add forceload references:
    • forceloadlib:util/add/from_storage
    • forceloadlib:util/add/from_storage_and_position => 1 macro call less than from_storage, but must be executed inside the correct chunk
  • Remove forceload references:
    • forceloadlib:util/remove/from_storage
    • forceloadlib:util/remove/from_storage_and_position => 1 macro call less than from_storage, but must be executed inside the correct chunk
    • forceloadlib:util/remove/with_id
    • forceloadlib:util/remove/with_id_from_position => 1 macro call less than with_id, but must be executed inside the correct chunk
  • Update ForceloadLib:
    • Run forceloadlib:uninstall
    • Remove the datapack and replace it with the new version
    • Reload
  • Uninstall ForceloadLib:
    • Run forceloadlib:uninstall and click the red CLICK HERE message to clear all remaining chunk data
    • Remove the datapack

Note: ForceloadLib provides a free-to-use scoreboard objective called ForceloadLib.ChunkID


From CMDred:

  • SilicatYT


As per the MIT License, you are allowed to redistribute, modify and use this project as long as we are credited for the original work.


Copyright © 2024 Smithed
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang Studios