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This datapack adds a two new utility blocks to Minecraft - the Painting Table and the Glamour Table. The painting table can be used to create 1x1 custom paintings that can be hung in item frames. The glamour table can be used to change the appearance of tools. Both tables use paintbrushes to edit textures entirely in game.


The painting table can be crafted using planks, a bowl, and a brush:
Crafting Recipe for the Painting Table

To use a painting table, you'll need to create canvases using sticks and a carpet. The color of carpet used will determine the base color of the canvas:
Crafting recipe for a lime canvas

The glamour table can be crafted using glowstone, a creaking heart, diamonds, and any carpet: Crafting recipe for Glamour Table

To use the glamour table, you'll need to prepare your tools in a smithing table. Add an eye of ender and a piece of glowstone, and your tool's texture will be updated to an outline.
Smithing recipe to prepare items for glamour

To create paint brushes, add dye to brushes in a crafting table. The final color of the paint brush is determined using the same formula as dyed armor:
Crafting recipe to dye a brush

Editing Textures

Right click the glamour or paint table with the item you'd like to edit to place it. Paint tables can only edit canvases, and glamour tables can only edit items.
To edit the item's texture, you can either use dyes directly, or use a paintbrush. Just right click the pixel you want to edit with the dye or brush! You can also right click with a slime ball to remove a pixel.
Using a painted brush to paint a texture Finishing painting the texture.

Once you're satisfied with the updated texture, just right click with an empty hand to retrieve your tool! The final item being held in hand

If you want to remove the texture from a tool, place it on the glamour table and right click with a wet sponge. The custom texture will be removed from your item.

Items that can have glamours applied include:

  • All pickaxes, axes, shovels, hoes, and swords.
  • Maces
  • Tridents (though thrown tridents do not display the texture...)

Texture Helper Tool

With some help from Arubik, I've put together a webapp to help create items compatible with this resource pack. This tool can either generate a give command for an item with exact RGB values for each pixel, or reduce the colors in the texture to those obtainable by dyes and generate a paint-by-number template to create the texture in survival.
The tool can be accessed here:
The Glamour Table Helper


Copyright © 2024 Smithed
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang Studios