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A Multiplayer compatible Navigation HUD which can track multiple locations!

[!warning] Replaces white_background bossbar texture

Forceloads chunk 0 0

[!important] Needs supplementary Resourcepack


Get the latest Datapack and Resourcepack from releases!


  • To start the HUD on a player, make them run the following function:
function lode:api/start
  • To stop the HUD on a player, make them run the following function:
function lode:api/stop
  • To add a static location as a marker to the HUD, follow the example below, and run the second command as the player:
data modify storage lode:api marker set value {pos:[0,0,0],dim:"minecraft:overworld",color:"green",id:spawn,display:'{"text":"Spawn","color":"green"}'}
function lode:api/marker/set
  • To add an entity as a marker to the HUD, follow the example below, and run the second command as the player:
data modify storage lode:api marker set value {uuid:[I;-1430022152,590171849,-2011635514,-539646155],color:"light_purple",display:'{"text":"Pig","color":"light_purple"}',id:pig}
function lode:api/marker/set

  • You may also use hex codes for marker color Eg: color:"#621212"

  • Leave color blank to auto assign color randomly from the 16 different default colors

  • To remove a marker, run the following command as the player:

function lode:api/marker/remove {id:"spawn"}
  • To clear all markers, run the following command as the player:
function lode:api/marker/clear
  • To get a list of the player's current markers, run the following command as the player:
function lode:api/marker/clear
##Output in storage lode:api list
  • You may toggle the presence of coordinates on the left of the hud in the following way:
##Showing coords
scoreboard players set #coords 1
##Hiding coords
scoreboard players set #coords 0


SuperSword's fast 3d distance calc

Gibbsly's UUID Converter


Copyright © 2024 Smithed
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang Studios